I have a deoiler in my tank and today both the tank fuilter and the deoiler was on. I could see that he was a little upset by because he was being pushed around by the current. However, I didn't give that much thought because usually when this happens he just goes and hids in his little house. Unfortunatly today, he started to jump out of the water and somehow managed to land head down in the deoiler. Thank goodness that there was a bunch of filter materal there so he didn't get shedded but I think the not being immersed in water and having water washing down him from behind, not to mention the stuggling he must have done to try to get out, really hurt him. Also worst of all, I don't know when he did this, he could have been there for hours. He isn't showing any obvious signs of injures, just a little blood spot on his mouth but thats not too serious, he heals very fast. But he is extremely inactive(according to his usual standards) and I'm worried that he might have interior bleeding. What can I do to find out if he is ok or not? What are some signs or precautions I can take?