After months of raising 7 Blue Acara together (growing them out) I finally had a pair form:
Blurry phone pic - Female left, Male right and a nice little batch of eggs!
After the first batch of eggs, I watched as the female decided to take over half the tank while protecting her eggs and then saw the male fertilize the eggs.
I took this as a sign that a pair had formed so I removed all of the other Acara, moving two of them to my display and trading the rest in. I wanted the pair to have as much room and as little stress as possible; but since I took out all of the other Acara the remaining pair has been very shy. The male has dulled out quite a bit and the female has lightend up a bit as well. The tank params are the same as they were before removing the other Acara, except for the fact that the water may be a bit cleaner now because of the reduced bio-load.
Since the pair has been shy after the move I went ahead and added some dithers to help them get a bit more comfortable in their tank: 10x Rummynose and the existing Albino BN Pleco. I know in the long run, if I want the pair to succesfully spawn I will most likeley have to remove the small pleco but for the mean time I am going to leave him in there as he was my tank janitor for the 7 Acara and did/does a good job.
My current parameters are as follows:
Temp: 80F
Nitrite: 0
Ammonia: 0
Nitrate: 5ppm or lower
PH: 7.2
The pair has now been in th tank as it sits now for a little over a week I know that isn't that long but I still worry I messed something up when moving all of the other Acara.
Is there anyting that I need to change, anything I can do to help, or is it just a waiting game?
Thanks everyone, for any help/info.
This is my first time trying to spawn anything, I've had live bearers breed in community setups and my O's drop eggs all the time in my display tank but I have never activley tried to get a mated pair to spawn any advice is appreciated.

Blurry phone pic - Female left, Male right and a nice little batch of eggs!
After the first batch of eggs, I watched as the female decided to take over half the tank while protecting her eggs and then saw the male fertilize the eggs.
I took this as a sign that a pair had formed so I removed all of the other Acara, moving two of them to my display and trading the rest in. I wanted the pair to have as much room and as little stress as possible; but since I took out all of the other Acara the remaining pair has been very shy. The male has dulled out quite a bit and the female has lightend up a bit as well. The tank params are the same as they were before removing the other Acara, except for the fact that the water may be a bit cleaner now because of the reduced bio-load.
Since the pair has been shy after the move I went ahead and added some dithers to help them get a bit more comfortable in their tank: 10x Rummynose and the existing Albino BN Pleco. I know in the long run, if I want the pair to succesfully spawn I will most likeley have to remove the small pleco but for the mean time I am going to leave him in there as he was my tank janitor for the 7 Acara and did/does a good job.
My current parameters are as follows:
Temp: 80F
Nitrite: 0
Ammonia: 0
Nitrate: 5ppm or lower
PH: 7.2
The pair has now been in th tank as it sits now for a little over a week I know that isn't that long but I still worry I messed something up when moving all of the other Acara.
Is there anyting that I need to change, anything I can do to help, or is it just a waiting game?
Thanks everyone, for any help/info.
This is my first time trying to spawn anything, I've had live bearers breed in community setups and my O's drop eggs all the time in my display tank but I have never activley tried to get a mated pair to spawn any advice is appreciated.