My male Heroina are turning out to be gorgeous little fish. They're developing wide foreheads and stocky bodies, and they show beautiful orange and red colors with nice teal/blue iridescence and bright red eyes. The males are all about 5" now. Here are a few pictures from tonight:
Love the gill flaring! They can be really hard on each other so I'm going to have to split them all up soon. I'm also having a weird issue where any body injury results in fungus and death within a day or two. I've tried with several different fish to cure it -- the first one I just used clean water and salt with no success, then I used Melafix on a second... so far nothing seems to work. This is a real shame because they fight a lot and injuries are common. Split fins heal fine but the body injuries are what cause problems. Anyone ever had something similar happen? For instance, two males lip-locked last night and today one male already has puffy, fuzzy lips and is acting lethargic. If he goes the way of the others I've lost, he'll be gone in a day or two. Any input would be great.
As much as I hate losing any of the adults, I'm not too concerned... I've got several hundred F1s growing out that I can replace them with.
If anyone would like to own this rare and beautiful little cichlid, keep your eye on the Marketplace because I'll have to find homes very soon.
Love the gill flaring! They can be really hard on each other so I'm going to have to split them all up soon. I'm also having a weird issue where any body injury results in fungus and death within a day or two. I've tried with several different fish to cure it -- the first one I just used clean water and salt with no success, then I used Melafix on a second... so far nothing seems to work. This is a real shame because they fight a lot and injuries are common. Split fins heal fine but the body injuries are what cause problems. Anyone ever had something similar happen? For instance, two males lip-locked last night and today one male already has puffy, fuzzy lips and is acting lethargic. If he goes the way of the others I've lost, he'll be gone in a day or two. Any input would be great.
As much as I hate losing any of the adults, I'm not too concerned... I've got several hundred F1s growing out that I can replace them with.
If anyone would like to own this rare and beautiful little cichlid, keep your eye on the Marketplace because I'll have to find homes very soon.