Not new to fishkeeping but new to this forum. I keep a 180l tank which I thoroughly enjoy and am considering adding my final fish to the tank. Stocking is 7 long finned danios, a Bristlenose pleco, a Bolivian ram, 6 sterbai corys, an electric blue acara, a keyhole cichlid. Is this fully stocked or is there any fish that would be a suitable edition(won’t instantly get eaten by my EBA) the danios are fully grown as have had them for 6 months but the others have gradually been added in the last few months.
Not new to fishkeeping but new to this forum. I keep a 180l tank which I thoroughly enjoy and am considering adding my final fish to the tank. Stocking is 7 long finned danios, a Bristlenose pleco, a Bolivian ram, 6 sterbai corys, an electric blue acara, a keyhole cichlid. Is this fully stocked or is there any fish that would be a suitable edition(won’t instantly get eaten by my EBA) the danios are fully grown as have had them for 6 months but the others have gradually been added in the last few months.