Hikari Bad Ingredients?

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MFK Member
Sep 14, 2015
Hello everybody.
Before I say anything let me explain my situation. I am currently visiting the United States. So I'm gathering as much fish supplies as I could including fish foods. That's because we don't have such products where I live.

Anyway, I picked some Hikari foods and I'm not satisfied with the ingredients. I got the Cichlid Gold one and the Algae Wafers. I bought them because of the reviews and what I've heard about them, but I don't know I feel reluctant to feed them to my fish.

They both have "fish meal" as a main ingredient, so not even whole fish meal. Then 4 to 6 carbohydrates (4 in the wafers and 6 in the chichlid gold pellets). And seriously what is even "dried bakery product"? like bread leftovers?





So am I worrying too much or is this not a quality product?
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Hikari is a pretty decent product. There pellets may not have the finest ingredients, but most if not all of the fish I have eat them. I am a big fan of Hikari and have been using their products for years.
Personally, I LOVE the Hikari Dry Freezed products which include krill, brine shrimp, bloodworms, etc. They even have foods designed for different fish types. Koi, parrotfish and flowerhorns, crayfish, stingrays, monster fish, etc. Those have the best ingredients.
By far, there best product is their line of Frozen foods which include discus food, saltwater mixes,bloodworms, and all kinds of frozen food. NO OTHER FROZEN FOOD WILL EVER BEAT HIKARI'S FROZEN LINE IN MY OPINION. It is sterilized too.
Other good brands for pellets include New Era, New Life Spectrum and Omega One.
Also, Northfin USA has a great line of products as well.
Hikari is a pretty decent product. There pellets may not have the finest ingredients, but most if not all of the fish I have eat them. I am a big fan of Hikari and have been using their products for years.
Personally, I LOVE the Hikari Dry Freezed products which include krill, brine shrimp, bloodworms, etc. They even have foods designed for different fish types. Koi, parrotfish and flowerhorns, crayfish, stingrays, monster fish, etc. Those have the best ingredients.
By far, there best product is their line of Frozen foods which include discus food, saltwater mixes,bloodworms, and all kinds of frozen food. NO OTHER FROZEN FOOD WILL EVER BEAT HIKARI'S FROZEN LINE IN MY OPINION. It is sterilized too.
Other good brands for pellets include New Era, New Life Spectrum and Omega One.
Also, Northfin USA has a great line of products as well.
We have a shop that retails Hikari, all his dry food is old and possibly expired. I buy frozen food from them and they are the best frozen food where I live
I have stopped using Hikari totally and gone New life spectrum and Tropical Softline America.

Not a fan of Hikari ingredients
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Lucky for you guys. Out here, it's only very recently that we have started getting Hikari itself consistently.

NLS and Northfin are available but at exorbitant rates and not always available :(
I too am not a huge fan of hikaris ingredients. But it's the only pellet my green terror will take. Have few different tubs of nls here but he hates it with a burning passion lol, have tried starving him for weeks on end etc and he still hates the stuff so I'll continue just to feed him hikari as he smashes the stuff. Doesn't really bother me as it's still a pretty decent food and people have been feeding it to they're cichlids for many years(myself included) with no I'll effects(that I've heard about lol)
I too am not a huge fan of hikaris ingredients. But it's the only pellet my green terror will take. Have few different tubs of nls here but he hates it with a burning passion lol, have tried starving him for weeks on end etc and he still hates the stuff so I'll continue just to feed him hikari as he smashes the stuff. Doesn't really bother me as it's still a pretty decent food and people have been feeding it to they're cichlids for many years(myself included) with no I'll effects(that I've heard about lol)
I also have tried nls thera a and most of my fish hate it, not sure why.
I use hikari gold as a staple but I mix in a lot of live and frozen.
Never had any problems.

I just recently tried some of the Bug Bites from fluval but my fish don't seem to like it to much.

I believe as long as you feed a variety of different foods most fish will do well.
I don't get to hung up on specific ingredients
I use both Hikari and NLS. I think NLS line has better overall ingresients, but I won't know for sure. Simply listing the present of wonderful ingredients without listing the % weight is meaningless and can be misleading. For small fish, I prefer NLS because it comes with 1 mm and 0.5 mm pellets perfect size for fry and juvies. For big fish, I prefer mini Hikari floating and sinking pellets because they have better physical properties. The sinking Hikari pellets sink straight down, and the floating float straight up. The NLS are semi sinking, more messy as the pellets get sucked into the filter more easily.