At the present time there are no plans to offer a sinking Cichlid Bio-Gold+ due to the fact that the majority of users of this product are feeding larger cichlids who readily eat from the surface.
At the present time there are no plans to offer a sinking Cichlid Bio-Gold+ due to the fact that the majority of users of this product are feeding larger cichlids who readily eat from the surface.
You might want to think about it in the future. Eartheaters seem to be gaining a lot of popularity these days. I feed mine sinking Cichlid Gold, but I would love to try them on Bio-Gold.
You might want to think about it in the future. Eartheaters seem to be gaining a lot of popularity these days. I feed mine sinking Cichlid Gold, but I would love to try them on Bio-Gold.
Thanks for the input! There are no plans for a larger pellet due to the fact that larger fish can readily eat the medium sized pellet without any issue and we want to avoid any concern about smaller fish being fed a pellet that is too large for them. Also, the larger surface area that the smaller pellet provides when moving through the digestive tract of the fish filled with Hikari Germ provides assimilation that is preferred over that which would occur with a larger pellet.
We'll pass your information along to our product development team and appreciate very much your time to provide us your thoughts and your fish's preference too