Who among here had HRP's in planted tanks before? Are they any danger to plants? I mean plants beside the already hardy java ferns, amazonnswords and anubias?
Interesting, I have never had that happen. What kind of plants did they uproot? Mine always found a rock, driftwood or the side of the tank.Apart from a bit of up rooting when breeding my pair have been fine
Are they good community fish? I want to get them with a harem of german blue rams, 6pcs perhaps? Do you think they will be OK in a heavily planted tank? I am planning to return my rainbows and my t-bars and then rescape my tank adding the less hardy plants. I already have the rocks and the driftwood in there. Fingers-crossed I am hoping they (the HRP's) would let the anacharis, cabomba, the bacopas and the rotallas thrive.Mine didn't touch the plant unless it was in its way. I watched the biggest HRP bite the stern and move it. Other than that plants grew and was not damaged.