I'm trying to get my Arowanas to live together peacefully. I've put a few plants in there so that they can avoid the other / do sidesteps / not get in each others way. One of my fish is SLIGHTLY bigger than the other. Every now and then, one might feel like becoming aggressive and biting the other. How do you know when is a good time to call it quits and separate them? I've seen some good tail bites and spine bites..... it doesn't look like the other Arowana is being hurt dramatically, but is it possible that an Arowana of about equal size can break the spine or instantly kill/paralyze another of it's kind?
Also, please correct me if I'm wrong but if one Aro bites the fin of another Aro, that fin will grow back and they'll be able to swim normally again right?
Also, please correct me if I'm wrong but if one Aro bites the fin of another Aro, that fin will grow back and they'll be able to swim normally again right?