How many guppies it too many for 75 gallon?


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
May 14, 2018
Bump it up to an 80% once a week, heavily plant it including floating plants and java moss, increase the filtration, and as long as there aren’t more fish than water you’ll be good. At least that’s what I would do. If you’re insistent on the 2 25% weekly water changes I’d just wait and see what the parameters say as the guppy population increases.


MFK Member
Jun 21, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Let the tank tell you...

As this is not a show tank, but just a breeding tank, I'd put a bunch of pathos or other easy to grow, hardy plants in it, stock it and let it go. Watch the parameters and service it as needed. I don't think you'll need much filtration. No more, probably less, than a typical 75 Gal cichlid tank. If you plant it well enough, I don't think you'll need to do many water changes either. As someone who is prepared to do 2 water changes a week, just keep an eye on it and do them as needed.

I have a 150 Gal Rubbermaid stock tank filled to an estimated 120 gallons of water. It houses a large breeding colony of Endlers (I'd estimate 1,000), a few pairs of Apistos & fry, a few L333 Plecos and a few Mexican Orange Crayfish. It's very heavily planted and has a single powerhead for "filtration". The bottom of the tank gets broken down plant matter that would be an eyesore in a glass aquarium due to the lack of mechanical filtration. But it can run indefinitely and never see any ammonia/nitrite/nitrate. The plants eat every bit the fish add. That said, I still do water changes of 20-40% every other week or so. But if life got busy I wouldn't hesitate to skip them on this tank for months at a time.
