how to properly freeze pellets?

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MFK Member
Nov 6, 2022

I am considering buying some bulk pellets, but unless the food is frozen, my fish will not be able to eat it all before it expires. So, I am considering buying bulk and freezing a portion of it.
My question is, what is a reasonable way to freeze it so it stays fresh?

Can I just split it into little zip lock bags and freeze like that?
Do I need to get all the air out (does it even really matter if it is frozen)?
About how long will a frozen container stay fresh in the freezer?

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Ziplok freezer bags work great, just try and express as much air out of the bag before sealing it.

When I bought NLS pellets in buckets, I would just remove enough food to feed for a couple weeks in an smaller container and put the tightly closed bucket in the chest freezer. It still smelled fresh and the fish ate it for about a year before buying another one.
I use a vacuum sealer which draws all the air out of the bag before sealing it; then into the freezer. It completely prevents freezer burn in any human foods stored like this and has made a huge difference in storage of meat in particular; so it was (for me) a no-brainer to store large quantities of commercial fish food as well. Works like a charm.

It was not a no-brainer for my wife; she didn't and doesn't like the idea of using the same gizmo for our roasts and steaks that I also use for my slabs of DIY gel food and pellets. But then, she doesn't like the stuff in the same freezer either, so...what're ya gonna do? :)
she doesn't like the stuff in the same freezer either, so...what're ya gonna do?
Ha, I got scolded today for leaving gravel bits on the counter. She puts up with a lot from me. Though, I did today get permission to use the freezer chest for some pellets, so life is good :)
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Good post from RD:

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