So how would you divide the following fish. I have a 180 gallon and a 125 gallon I can put them in after the loss of my motoro stingray.
1 Silver Arowana (currently in a 10 gallon to grow out)
2 Senegal Bichirs (also in the 10 gallon)
2 Blood Parrots
1 Carpintis Texas
4 Convicts
2 Adult Angelfish
5 Tinfoil Barbs
2 Jack Dempsey (both male)
1 Belly Crawler Pike Cichlid
1 Striped Raphael Catfish
1 Grass Cutter Catfish
1 Green Severum
8 assorted little african cichlids (already living with the bigger fish)
1 6-inch red finned blue zebra mbuna
1 3-inch red zebra mbuna
1 Silver Arowana (currently in a 10 gallon to grow out)
2 Senegal Bichirs (also in the 10 gallon)
2 Blood Parrots
1 Carpintis Texas
4 Convicts
2 Adult Angelfish
5 Tinfoil Barbs
2 Jack Dempsey (both male)
1 Belly Crawler Pike Cichlid
1 Striped Raphael Catfish
1 Grass Cutter Catfish
1 Green Severum
8 assorted little african cichlids (already living with the bigger fish)
1 6-inch red finned blue zebra mbuna
1 3-inch red zebra mbuna