Hystrix Couple into main tank?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Should the hystrix go in the main tank?

  • 180 gallon(where they are)

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • 1200 gallon with the other rays.

    Votes: 8 47.1%

  • Total voters


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jan 3, 2010
I have a hystrix couple in a 180 gallon tank, it works good and there is no issue. But i am debating with myselfe if they should go in the 1200 gallon tank with the other rays. The hystrix rays will be the smallest in there, and their tankmates would be 2x motoro males, 1 sp peru male, 1 sp peru female(BIIG), and 1 Motoro female. What do you guys say?
just try it out and see if it works. a 1200 its a pretty big tank so they will have plenty of room to move around. if you feel they are being bullied then I would remove and put back in the 180.
I could do that indeed.. A litle hassle to catch in the big tank, but absolutly an option. Is there anyone with actuall experience with hystrix with bigger rays? I gues mine are 20-25cm over disk. 1,5 year old.
If they are happy where they are at I'd leave them for now. It doesn't take long for a big ray to tear up a little ray. Is the Hystrix male maturing? Sometime mature males with go after younger males. There has been a few post of younger males getting their claspers chewed off by older males.
If you spread the food out in the tank, cut it all up and throw it all in at once so all rays have opportunity to find food it would work, my smaller rays are 9.5-10 inches and the larger are 13-17ish inches so I have to watch my feeding but it all works out and they all look fat after a feeding

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If you spread the food out in the tank, cut it all up and throw it all in at once so all rays have opportunity to find food it would work, my smaller rays are 9.5-10 inches and the larger are 13-17ish inches so I have to watch my feeding but it all works out and they all look fat after a feeding

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agreed this is how I do mine. I actually cut it up smaller than the food needs to be and drop in food at once in different sections so its spread out more and everyone gets some.

I have 2 of my hystrix in with a very large castexi and have not had any issues
Many good points here! They do work perfectly fine in the 180 gallon, so there is no real need of moving them. I was just thinking for their own well being that 270x170 surface are is alot more fun then 200x60 :) About cutting food to small pieces and spread them around im familiar with, i always do that so that every ray has the opertunity to eat well. If you toss it in the same spot the biggest and most gready will get it all :) I also got myselfe 2x 60cm silver arrows, god damit those buggers eat me out of the house! Gues il just consider it, and see what happens. Thanks for all the response by the way!
If they are happy where they are at I'd leave them for now. It doesn't take long for a big ray to tear up a little ray. Is the Hystrix male maturing? Sometime mature males with go after younger males. There has been a few post of younger males getting their claspers chewed off by older males.

He is mature yes :) Thats why i think the move is a little intresting to.. There is motoro and sp female in there, wonder how the pups could look :)
My arrow is that size and I wish I would have known it ate that much before I got it. Ohh well its a great fish.

I also got myselfe 2x 60cm silver arrows, god damit those buggers eat me out of the house! Gues il just consider it, and see what happens. Thanks for all the response by the way!

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