I’m back in a tiny way

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


MFK Member
Apr 17, 2008
It’s been over a decade since I’ve had a fish tank and oh boy have I missed it! I always kept monsters in big tanks and live cichla! But I told myself I wouldn’t dive back into that world until we own a house. But I’ve been back browsing a bit lately and we all know where that leads.

So I figured a little 7.5g rimless can’t hurt. It’s my first planted tank and I sent it with co2 because I want a lush carpet of grass. The tank has a built in sump on the back, a little nano led and a 10lb co2 tank with regulator running the gas. I bought some black mountain seiryu stone and cultured grass.

Super classy little setup 💀🤙… did this a few yrs ago with a 5gal as my 1st ever planted tank. Its kinda amazing how much a small setup like this can fill the need even after years of hoarding monsters lol… nice to see ya back man!
Super classy little setup 💀🤙… did this a few yrs ago with a 5gal as my 1st ever planted tank. Its kinda amazing how much a small setup like this can fill the need even after years of hoarding monsters lol… nice to see ya back man!
I’ve been itching to come back for years! This is definitely helping fill that void. Good to be back! Thanks!
Don't let anyone tell that tank is too small for monster fish!
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