info on Uaru A. cichlids?

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MFK Member
Aug 11, 2018
Hi was looking up info on Uaru amphs but can't seem to find much on them. I got a group of 4 since they were about 2 inches, now they vary from 4-6 inches each. Been almost a year since i got them. Looking to hopefully get a pair out of this group what are the chances of that happening with 4 of them? So far the first 3 hangout together but the 4th last one of pictures got kinda bullied out of the group by mainly the smallest one in the first picture and it mainly hangs out alone on the other side of the tank throughout the day now. They do share a community tank and the 3 in the group are the tank bosses.

I have yet to see them spawn. Sometimes they get really dark for a few seconds and at night when they rest they tend to lose their black spot. Saw some uaru have strong darker black spots on the body. They are the only fish i can't sex don't know how many males or females i got. Are they still too small to pair off and spawn? the smallest one is the most aggressive of the group surprisingly. The biggest one is huge compared to the other 3. Any information or tips would be greatly appreciated thanks.




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oh ok great thanks will look at those threads. I used to have another 3 and 2 paired off and they were stunning when trying to spawn but the eggs were never fertile. They were rarely apart. Thought would have a better chance with these 4 but nothing as of yet so far.
I've had a pair form and spawn in a small-ish tank with a group of five, so it's not impossible or perhaps not even unlikely. What are the odds of getting four fish of the very same sex? (not impossible but statistically you're more likely to have at least one of each).
Can't see any in the pics so I'll mention it, you NEED wood in the tank with them as they can/do nibble on it, and they prefer softer water. I gave the aforementioned pair to a friend (in exchange for a group of fry from the first batch, I had no space to breed them or raise fry at the time) and he sat on them for about six months with no luck until I asked if he had any wood in the tank (nope, he didn't). A couple of months later I got my fry.

I've also had two females pair up and lay eggs like clockwork over and over again...
I've had a pair form and spawn in a small-ish tank with a group of five, so it's not impossible or perhaps not even unlikely. What are the odds of getting four fish of the very same sex? (not impossible but statistically you're more likely to have at least one of each).
Can't see any in the pics so I'll mention it, you NEED wood in the tank with them as they can/do nibble on it, and they prefer softer water. I gave the aforementioned pair to a friend (in exchange for a group of fry from the first batch, I had no space to breed them or raise fry at the time) and he sat on them for about six months with no luck until I asked if he had any wood in the tank (nope, he didn't). A couple of months later I got my fry.

I've also had two females pair up and lay eggs like clockwork over and over again...

Oh yes i do not have any wood in the tank i will go and adjust and add some wood for them, never actually thought about that. Based on the behaviour of them I'm thinking 2 of the 3 that are still together in a group may pair off since those 3 are quite defensive of their area of the tank. The 2 smallest ones are still on the smaller side around 4-5 inches so don't think they are fully mature yet. Strange enough the 2 smallest ones are the most aggressive of the group.

I have a feeling my last pair prob were 2 females since the eggs never hatched and always went white yet they never gave up and lay eggs all the time. I also got a feeling i might have only one male in the group which is the third fish in the pictures? Only think that because its anal and dorsal fins are sharper and longer than the other 3 which are likely all females as the other 3 are more rounded and shorter? Might be wrong though just a guess.
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Seems like things are starting to change a bit noticed the 2 larger ones have been hanging out together more now and both of them are digging at the sand and rocks constantly and are underneath the wood block. One of the larger ones hates and aggressively chases out one of the smaller uaru now.