Interesting/entertaining cull dumpster ideas for 40 breeder?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 3, 2024
Hey there monster fish keepers. New to the forum and to monster fish. As the title indicates I'm looking for a cool fish to fill the entertaining/interesting wet pet role as well as to manage culls from some of my breeding projects. Currently the largest tank I can work with is a 40 breeder, and though I'd like larger tanks in the future I think playing the "I'll upgrade when I need to" game isn't the right move, so ideally I'd get a fish (or a few depending) that can live it's entire life in a 40 breeder and be ok if it HAD to. I'll leave the option of upgrading open, but I think planning for the possibility that life dictates otherwise is the smart option to bank on. I'm big on planted aquariums, and a low tech heavily planted tank with an oversized canister filter is the plan. As for the culls I'd need to feed off, as of now the largest species I'm breeding is Gambusia holbrooki (fun marbled population from the everglades) and while most culls wouldn't be full grown, having the option to feed a full grown G. holbrooki female wouldn't be a bad thing. All that said though I'd like a fish that could eat prepared foods as a staple with the culls being some enrichment here and there. I've searched through many threads on this forum and others and thus far the fish I see coming up repeatedly that could meet all these requirements are red wolf fish (E. erythrinus), leopard bush fish (C. acutirostre), and Senegal bichir (P. senegalus). I'm interested in all three and the decision will likely come down to availability and behavior. It seems P. senegalus and C. acutirostre are pretty easy to come by with E. erythrinus being a bit more difficult to find, though not impossible online. Purple spotted gudgeons are another cool option I came across but those seem to be pretty difficult to find and expensive. I'm curious to hear others experiences with these fish, and what everyone thinks will or won't be a good fit. I'm very open to suggestions beyond what I've listed as well.

I'll cut myself off there as it's almost 6:30am here in east Tennessee and I've yet to go to sleep(fish research rabbithole. I'm sure some of you know how it goes lol). If I left out any details or something doesn't make sense just let me know!

Thanks :)


POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
Welcome to the forum! Red wolf definitely gets my vote. They have a great personality and a great appetite. Definitely one of the best fish I’ve had.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2023
Hey there monster fish keepers. New to the forum and to monster fish. As the title indicates I'm looking for a cool fish to fill the entertaining/interesting wet pet role as well as to manage culls from some of my breeding projects. Currently the largest tank I can work with is a 40 breeder, and though I'd like larger tanks in the future I think playing the "I'll upgrade when I need to" game isn't the right move, so ideally I'd get a fish (or a few depending) that can live it's entire life in a 40 breeder and be ok if it HAD to. I'll leave the option of upgrading open, but I think planning for the possibility that life dictates otherwise is the smart option to bank on. I'm big on planted aquariums, and a low tech heavily planted tank with an oversized canister filter is the plan. As for the culls I'd need to feed off, as of now the largest species I'm breeding is Gambusia holbrooki (fun marbled population from the everglades) and while most culls wouldn't be full grown, having the option to feed a full grown G. holbrooki female wouldn't be a bad thing. All that said though I'd like a fish that could eat prepared foods as a staple with the culls being some enrichment here and there. I've searched through many threads on this forum and others and thus far the fish I see coming up repeatedly that could meet all these requirements are red wolf fish (E. erythrinus), leopard bush fish (C. acutirostre), and Senegal bichir (P. senegalus). I'm interested in all three and the decision will likely come down to availability and behavior. It seems P. senegalus and C. acutirostre are pretty easy to come by with E. erythrinus being a bit more difficult to find, though not impossible online. Purple spotted gudgeons are another cool option I came across but those seem to be pretty difficult to find and expensive. I'm curious to hear others experiences with these fish, and what everyone thinks will or won't be a good fit. I'm very open to suggestions beyond what I've listed as well.

I'll cut myself off there as it's almost 6:30am here in east Tennessee and I've yet to go to sleep(fish research rabbithole. I'm sure some of you know how it goes lol). If I left out any details or something doesn't make sense just let me know!

Thanks :)
Welcome to MFK buddy. You will have a great time here!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 3, 2024
Appreciate the warm welcome everyone! Seems like the consensus so far is the red wolf which is what I’ve been leaning towards. Are there any concerns with hands in the tank being a safety issue with a toothy rocket like that?

Welcome to the party, pal.

I voe for a Red Wolf or since you like (sorta) native species....Belonesox?
B. belizanus is a super interesting fish that I’d love to keep at some point, but I’ve heard those can be very very difficult to eat anything other than live. Any insight on that?

Not a common fish unfortunately but how do you feel about this little gem?
I love me a weird little guy like that. Maybe not quite what I’m going for for this tank, but if I get the mini monster bug bad I could see that down the line in another tank.

All in all if I go for a red wolf I’d like to get one with a good bit of yellow on it. Anyone know any sources who might be willing to meet a request like that? I know with buying fish online it’s usually a you get what you get kind of deal.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 3, 2024
(Reposting this. Originally posted yesterday but I think the automod has the first one marked as waiting for moderator review because I’m a new member and there was a link in one of the quotes)

Appreciate the warm welcome everyone! Seems like the consensus so far is the red wolf which is what I’ve been leaning towards. Are there any concerns with hands in the tank being a safety issue with a toothy rocket like that?

Welcome to the party, pal.

I voe for a Red Wolf or since you like (sorta) native species....Belonesox?
B. belizanus is a super interesting fish that I’d love to keep at some point, but I’ve heard those can be very very difficult to eat anything other than live. Any insight on that?

Not a common fish unfortunately but how do you feel about this little gem?
I love me a weird little guy like that. Maybe not quite what I’m going for for this tank, but if I get the mini monster bug bad I could see that down the line in another tank.

All in all if I go for a red wolf I’d like to get one with a good bit of yellow on it. Anyone know any sources who might be willing to meet a request like that? I know with buying fish online it’s usually a you get what you get kind of deal.


POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
I wear Kevlar gloves when I work in my tank (he put holes in the rubber ones) if that answers the question. There is definitely a risk, mine knows that anything that touches the water (including my fingers) are a food option.
I think color is largely luck of the draw - I got mine from worldwide fish and pets and he has a lot of orange.
There is a purple variant and more recently a more orange one out there.