internal infection ??

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 15, 2005
somewhere along the equator
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

hello ppl, i got 2 ornate bichirs which seems to have internal infections as their bodies starts to whiten patch by patch as day goes by....while losing appetites as well...

i tried applying anti-bacterial medicine for them but their colours did not seem to improve or return back to normal...

anyone can provide any better solution to save my bichirs ?

Have you checked your water parameters lately? I've noticed over the years that high levels of nitrogenous waste (ammonia and nitrite in particular) will often lead to exactly the symptoms you're describing. You might try a 25% water change to see if they liven up a bit. How long have you had these fish?

If you suspect internal parasites then there are other solutions. I'm not sure if Jungle Parasite Clear is available in Singapore or not but I've had great success using it to treat parasitic infections of all kinds.

Try Primafix
wow bro fruitbat, i think you're water pH is quite low..think ammonia lvl getting high despite the fact i introduce coral chips to raise it's pH. as for temp, i tot s'pore temp is usually around 27-28 degree celsius so i din on my heater cos my tank only 2 feet...keke...

I kept these pair of bichirs for 4-5 yrs and one is 9'' while the other is 11'' only as i avoid feeding live food as much as possible, yet they still suffer under their own ****s... -.-''
I used to have 1 more bichir along these pair which died of the same's why i am very paranoid now...sigh...

Primafix sounds familiar anyway...but i am using oceanfree--Super Internal disease away for these infected pair, while my temp is raised to 30 degrees...
Really sorry to hear about the P. ornatipinnis.

Sorry to hear about your fish. Do you have any substrate in the tank ......sand or gravel?
Did the fish exhibit any signs of cloudiness in their eyes ?
What were you feeding them ?

Patches on the skin may be a sign of "sliminess of the skin". It's a parasitic infection that's many times accompanied by bacteria.
A little more information may help narrow down the possible cause of death.
it may have also been an internal boul problem. When feeding foods that contain soy, fish do not have the ablity to break it down any further and may cause indigestion. flakes and pellets are high in what a fish needs in a diet but cheaper brands contain more filler the staples. The process of indegestions is a slow aggonizeing one and hard to reverse, Brine shrimp especially and other frozen foods to not contain a balanced diet for most fish however do break down in the stomach very easily. Raise the Temp to increase the metabolism of the fish and feed Brine shrimp every other day. remember putting more food into him isn't going to help. OPT 2 is getting some live food and feed them garlic extract. this would be for parasites.