I've read on several occasions that pike in Europe and the British Isles have been known to enter brackish or marine water on at least a temporary basis. Why is it so surprising that it might happen elsewhere? Especially in areas like the one in question, where numerous freshwater rivers empty into the sea within close proximity of one another, and where salinity may temporarily drop lower than normal due to spring snowmelt and runoff.
Anyone who has ever speared pike...a common way of taking them when I was a kid...knows that big adults during spring spawning will skitter far up the tiniest rivulets and puddles in only inches of water. It doesn't take a major flooding event for them to spread; we recently barbecued a smallish one that I intercepted on my lawn as it rocketed across the yard like a torpedo, in water not deep enough to cover its back, heading from the big drainage ditch 100 yards away towards my little backyard pond.
And why now? Are they suggesting that these conditions have never existed in the past, and that this is somehow my fault? I mean, virtually every potential ecological "disaster" is eventually traced back to my use of toilet paper or my consumption of meat or some other heinous act. Although the article mentions the testing that shows the original big female had spent time at sea, before re-entering fresh water and breeding up a storm. I naively think that she didn't do that all by herself, but it certainly offers a plausible alternative to the standard "somebody introduced them!" battle cry.
If the pike can get from river to river by a bit of seafaring...why on earth are they only doing it now? Hard to swallow. And if they are doing it naturally, are they really "invasive"? That term usually refers to non-native organisms taking hold somewhere they don't belong and did not reach themselves.
When I grew up in southern Ontario, coyotes were relatively uncommon, compared to their numbers today. They have spread under their own steam from their original strongholds in the West and are now all the way into the Maritimes, including even Newfoundland. Nobody suggests they are "invasive"...although plenty of other less-flattering terms are often used.