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Irwini Catfish question


MFK Member
I know they are very shy but I have yet to see him, he lives under a piece of wood and thats fair enough because at least its natural for him. The only question I have is, are these guys good nightime hunters? He doesn't come out to feed but I always drop food in overnight for the bichirs. Plus there are a lot of feeder fish missing since yesterday and judging by the bulges in my other fishes stomachs I have a feeling the Irwini might be having snacks at night too. is that normal of them?

Just want him to grow up big and strong so was just wondering if anyone on here had any specific methods of feeding young ones.
I've found small ones to be rather shy if kept on their own. The more you add the more likely you are to see them out and about.

As far as feeding I would continue feeding at night. He should be more active when the light are out and won't have any trouble finding the food.

These cats are not normally known to take feeders.
Mine always hides too! I have a ridged air line tube that's 3 feet long. I spear fish or shrimp on the air line and poke it in the hole the Irwini lives in. When feeding pellets I have a 3 foot length of 1"PVC pipe and I put that pipe need or into the hole the Irwini lives in and drop a few massivors into his hole. I just want to make sure he's getting enough to eat :) They seem to be slow growers and I have a huge Niger cat that eats everything I put in the tank!!!!!!!
I got my Irwini for the equivelent of around 30 dollars. There was another one in there but I wasn't sure if they were to be kept alone or not. They are overgrown raphael catfish, could I not get him some Raphael to play with? I can get 3 for the price of one Irwini and I had the second to last one.

I'm relieved to know that he is feeding. I currently have 3 bichirs and a datnoid growing out with him in a 20 long. all the fish are around 2"-3" and growing fast. They will be going into a 852l tank that is being made(224.5 gallons). I can only fit 5 feet of length into the area I have the tank, so instead of making it a taller tank I opted to make it 3' wide. I saw a few of tanks this size on other sides and it works good for me cause I don't want to keep Arowana or anything that grows larger than 2' length.

Any ideas what good tankmates would be for Irwini? Right now when everyones grown the big tank will have Oscar, Flagtail, Pink Tail Chalceus, Dithers, Senegal bichir, Ornate Bichir, Delhezi Bichir, Irwini cat and one Indo Dat. Can't wait til everyones big enough to live together.
I'd love some more catfish in there. I am really getting into Bottom dwelling and predatory fish
I currently keep my irwinis with some niger cats, a granulosus, 1 longnose and some florida gars with my irwinis without any probllems. In the past I also had them mixes with dats, gator gars and cuban gars.
As I'm seeing their name thrown around a lot today, what is a Niger catfish? is it the same as giraffe catfish?
Way different. A Niger is similar/related too the Irwini and Raphael Cats. I think it's the largest too. Mine is 30" easy and maybe 20 pounds LOL Check out the catfish section in bottom dwellers. You will see a few pics