Is my Jack Dempsey male or female?

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Feeder Fish
May 26, 2022
Hi, new to this site, i would just like some clarification on the gender of my jack dempsey if possible. Your help would be most appreciated. I have attached some photos, i can upload more if

j demps.JPG


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Welcome to the forum!
Could you get some more pics of its profile from the side?
I’m leaning male, but based on color I’d say it could be either.
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The head profile doesn’t scream male to me, but I don’t think there is enough blue bearding to say it’s a female.
My male for reference:03DDDCD0-377C-4BEC-A50B-AEF7D464770A.jpeg
I never had a male have that much blue in the lower half of the face below the eye line. I'm leaning towards a very colorful female... but could be wrong.
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Most female JDs have an almost water color paint type wash of light blue which permeates the lower jaw, and lower gill plate, separate from the spangles.
So gender ID photos need to accentuate that area, photos that glare out those areas are not usefu, or those with the head turned awayl.
The one Deadeye posted is the type needed to be posted to get a helpful answer.
I edited the one that the OP provided with that view, but editing removds some clarity.
It may also help to get a very close up shot of the genital papilla if possible.
And today, with the possibility of EBJDs in the lineage, getting a surefire gender ID is a crap shoot.
I'm leaning it to be male, but would not bet money on it.
What size is it? I'd guess @ 5"?
Here is a female 20181224_114513.jpg
As duanes duanes mentioned, females have blue colored "skin" under the eyes and sweeping back to the gill plates, not just more of the spangling.
I am leaning Male for this one due to lack of the blue bearding.
Most female JDs have an almost water color paint type wash of light blue which permeates the lower jaw, and lower gill plate, separate from the spangles.
So gender ID photos need to accentuate that area, photos that glare out those areas are not usefu, or those with the head turned awayl.
The one Deadeye posted is the type needed to be posted to get a helpful answer.
I edited the one that the OP provided with that view, but editing removds some clarity.
View attachment 1495883
It may also help to get a very close up shot of the genital papilla if possible.
And today, with the possibility of EBJDs in the lineage, getting a surefire gender ID is a crap shoot.
I'm leaning it to be male, but would not bet money on it.
What size is it? I'd guess @ 5"?

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