jack dempseys with teeth

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


MFK Member
Dec 14, 2012
my dad and I noticed that our Dempsey has some nasty teeth. my dad was surprised because he had dempseys all the time even before I was born and he said he never had one with visible teeth. how often do they show a set of teeth. is it genetic for some to have an some not?
It's not unusual. JDs have prominent teeth when viewed from the correct angle. They just aren't always visible when casually watching the fish.

2012 06_15 copy.JPG

2012 08_04 copy.JPG

2012 06_15 copy.JPG

2012 08_04 copy.JPG
JD’s aren’t slouches & have some good bite force. Aggression can vary greatly from fish to fish. Jags aren’t that aggressive, more highly territorial & claim big territories. They are however designed to eat fish so once they reach a good size they have the tools to dispatch most other fish in a hurry. CA’s have this kill switch built in everything could be cool for yrs then one day/night they decide everybody else has to go & you’ll wake up to carnage.
My 4" jack dempsey that I used to have had 4 extremely visible lower teeth. Great color too, but too shy for my taste.