Snowflake311;3838907; said:
I am thinking I want an all black background now.
Your set ups are great and all. I want to know more about how you get thoes photos? What kind of lighting do you use?
Black backgrounds are definitely the way to go in my opinion. Was considering a 3D background for the new 6x2x2 but decided against it without factoring in cost.
Anyway, my 20" cube setup's basically complete now. I ditched my 70W Shopfitter halide today for a 150W setup with fan/mount etc. Cheap setup with a decent globe, cost me $80 second hand and while it's a bit larger, it's also neater.
To be all fancy:
30G Rio Huallaga, Peru Biotope
3x Apistogramma baenschi "Inka 50" (1M 2F, Wild Caught)
10x Nannostomus marginatus (Dwarf Pencilfish, Wild Caught)
5x Otocinclus sp.
(MFK Warped that nicely!)
and some shots of the inhabitants:
N. marginatus
Reclusive male, white balance exploded on the second shot.
Few of those shots are fairly grainy, needed to shoot at ISO800 with a 70W halide above the tank due to all the tannins. The Apistogramma are still very much settling in but they're actively foraging and eating healthily with mild bouts of conspecific aggression so they're getting there. Plenty of cover means I rarely see them, but I love that the tank can look gorgeous without the centrepiece fish being visible.