Jardini with a Silver?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

SSmokinn SS

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 20, 2009
A LFS has a small 3" (if even that) Jardini that has blue fins (gorgeous jardini)

I currently have a 14" silver. My question is, If I were to pick up the Jardini and grow it to about 7-8" in a grow out 55 gallon, then put him in the 125, would my silver beat him up pretty bad? Im worried about how much of a size difference there would be, between the two.

I already had a failed attempt of adding another 14" silver with my current guy and it was good for about a week, then they started fighting real bad so back to the pet store the one guy went...But I have seen that people have good luck with mixing different species of arrow's. My guy right now is very mellow (as far as aggressiveness) towards others.
At first the silver may be dominant but later on the jardini will shank the silver in the side....

However, it all depends on the fish. Two aros is almost always a recipe for disaster.
CrAzYNeSs;3778008; said:
At first the silver may be dominant but later on the jardini will shank the silver in the side....

However, it all depends on the fish. Two aros is almost always a recipe for disaster.

even if they are two different species of aro's? I know 9 times out of 10, two silvers cant be possible, I was JW about a Jardini and Silver mix.....
my 5 inch jardini wooped my 12 inch silver in just one night. it dint even take a week..the silver was curled up in one corner.but it dint die ant is now a monster.so it depends on the fish i would say..but my experience says NO
i'll let you know my exp. in a few months to a year...i have a 24" silver and i am growing out a jar currently at 5"....can't mix them now due to tsns...i have seen a 12" jar lay the beat down on a 14" silver...they are both feed live and are the only fish in the tank though...also in the time your jar is 7-8" your silver will be way to big for that 125gal....more so since it aready could use a bigger one...
its possible. just need a lot of luck. i've done it before
ok thanks guys. Im not going to chance it!