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Killifish breeding


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
I've finnaly decided what kind of fish I want to focus on, i've been doing research for like 2 weeks now and im going to breed killifish. I know the basic like having a small bubbler/filter and have it always dark and have dark subtrate, have hornwort, peat moss but im curious if theres any certain facts that people realized or important things to add.


P.S I dont know if im allowed to do this but if you want im posting a live feeding on my YouTube channel tonight https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkQ6xM72dHW7_DvQSnLuu4w

there's the link if interested
I had a breeding trio of Pachypanochax playfairi just before moving to Panama.
I kept them in a 20 gallon in a line of tanks to a sump.They seemed to spawn constantly, and dropped eggs into leaf litter off the floor of the tank.
I fed mosquito larvae, daphnia and Artemis grown in the back yard.
I didn't take eggs out, a few would hatch every couple days.

male above , female below

fry below
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Which species of killifish are you breeding? Makes a big difference! Do you have them already or are you still looking?
here are the total plans:

29 gallon with divider and a small air rator on each side
3 female and 1 male clown killi 1 side
other side 3 female and 1 male golden lyretail panchax

10 gallon: will be for fry

50 gallon :will be were the full grown ones will go kinda like a show tank

75 gallon:
1 jack dempsey
1 EB jack dempsey
1 albino senegal bichir
maybe something else ill have to see
I would go with panchax, clown killis are rather difficult breeders. Panchax are great eaters and much hardier in comparison. What's the long term plan for fry? Display tank for life?
yeah I plan on it, maybe selling a few in the future. Yeah I do like the panchax better
Good plan. They are curious fish! Could also feed them fruit flies and such! Best of luck :D