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Large Fish for 75 Gallon


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Hey! I currently have a 75 gallon tank, overfiltered, 2-3 40% water changes a week. Current stocking is:

1 Gold Severum
1 Blood Parrot
2 Bristlenose

I’m looking for a large fish that can live comfortably in a 75 gallon, or slow growing enough that it’ll be fine if it takes a couple years to get a 180+. I really love the look of Flagtails and Chalceus but I’m worried they will outgrow the tank. Any ideas? Non-cichlids welcome too, anything to reduce the inevitable future adult aggression is great.
Welcome to the forum!
Those 3 cichlids are going to get pretty big. The sev and parrot can get to the 8-10 inch range.
You might get more enjoyment out of adding some dither fish like large tetras or rainbow fish to add activity.
Welcome to the forum!
Those 3 cichlids are going to get pretty big. The sev and parrot can get to the 8-10 inch range.
You might get more enjoyment out of adding some dither fish like large tetras or rainbow fish to add activity.

thanks! Honestly I’ve kept smaller fish like tetras for years and I’m just kinda bored of them, ya know? If I were to add them to the tank I feel like they just wouldn’t be enjoyed as much as larger fish. I’m fine with waiting for the cichlids to grow though and just not adding anything.
In my opinion a Semaprochilodus Taeniurus would do fine in a 75 gallon. They don't get huge and don't grow fast.
"how long would you reckon it would take for a 2-3" to outgrow?"

Not very long.
The two pictures shown are the same individual fish, at about 2.5" and at about 8", taken 1.5 years apart, the last one in April 2019. The same fish, currently in a 125g, is about 9-10", so it has slowed down, but not stopped growing.
My Prochi has been in the 125g for about 2 years now. He was fine in a 75g before, but I would not place him in a 75g now, unless it was a short term emergency situation. I feel the 125g is sort of OK (I can't do larger), but sort of minimum tank size.
It is possible that it would have grown faster and gotten larger had it been in a larger tank all along.
Good luck!

"how long would you reckon it would take for a 2-3" to outgrow?"

Not very long.
The two pictures shown are the same individual fish, at about 2.5" and at about 8", taken 1.5 years apart, the last one in April 2019. The same fish, currently in a 125g, is about 9-10", so it has slowed down, but not stopped growing.
My Prochi has been in the 125g for about 2 years now. He was fine in a 75g before, but I would not place him in a 75g now, unless it was a short term emergency situation. I feel the 125g is sort of OK (I can't do larger), but sort of minimum tank size.
It is possible that it would have grown faster and gotten larger had it been in a larger tank all along.
Good luck!

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Oh wow, so pretty fast growing then. That's a shame. I'd love to keep a large fish like that but I definitely don't want to stunt its growth.