Hey! I currently have a 75 gallon tank, overfiltered, 2-3 40% water changes a week. Current stocking is:
1 Gold Severum
1 Blood Parrot
2 Bristlenose
I’m looking for a large fish that can live comfortably in a 75 gallon, or slow growing enough that it’ll be fine if it takes a couple years to get a 180+. I really love the look of Flagtails and Chalceus but I’m worried they will outgrow the tank. Any ideas? Non-cichlids welcome too, anything to reduce the inevitable future adult aggression is great.
1 Gold Severum
1 Blood Parrot
2 Bristlenose
I’m looking for a large fish that can live comfortably in a 75 gallon, or slow growing enough that it’ll be fine if it takes a couple years to get a 180+. I really love the look of Flagtails and Chalceus but I’m worried they will outgrow the tank. Any ideas? Non-cichlids welcome too, anything to reduce the inevitable future adult aggression is great.