I'm sad to say I lost my giant Barred Midas Cichlid that I got around 5" from Dan at Cichlids of the Americas 8.5 years ago. He was 15" TL, 7" high, almost 3.5" wide and weighed 5.2 pounds. His name was Puppy Dog due to his gentle nature. Many in Atlanta got to admire him - he will be missed. He got an infection and in his forehead and just couldn't be healed. He was a true gentle giant - you could put goldfish in w/ him and he wouldn't bother them. He spent his whole life in a 300, eventually as the only large fish except a huge feather fin squeaker cat he played w/. He would ignore smaller fish like hoplo cats and dojo loaches. He ate mostly Northfin his whole life. Below are pics of him as a recent purchase, his first girlfriend (a fester ) , his wife, his kids (they all peeled) and friends. He was a true one of a kind and a tough loss for myself and many.