I just fried my brain trying to see how these things would work and what I'm going to do...
So my initial plan was to get a 20 gallon tank with a marbled honduran red point and some tetras. As for the tetras, I was thinking about getting either Columbian blue and red tetras or long fin serpae tetras. Then I got some platies for my planted tank, and immediately got attached to them, and thought they'd be nice dithers, adding color to the tank.
So here are my questions, they go from relevant questions to just questions I have.
1. Can serpae tetras live or even school with Columbian tetras?
2. Should I go with the combination of marigold and blue wag platies or tiger and blue spotted platies if I go with platies as dithers?
3. Would platies or tetras be better dithers?
4. Can platies live with normal convicts?
5. Would a pair of hrp's be better?
So my initial plan was to get a 20 gallon tank with a marbled honduran red point and some tetras. As for the tetras, I was thinking about getting either Columbian blue and red tetras or long fin serpae tetras. Then I got some platies for my planted tank, and immediately got attached to them, and thought they'd be nice dithers, adding color to the tank.
So here are my questions, they go from relevant questions to just questions I have.
1. Can serpae tetras live or even school with Columbian tetras?
2. Should I go with the combination of marigold and blue wag platies or tiger and blue spotted platies if I go with platies as dithers?
3. Would platies or tetras be better dithers?
4. Can platies live with normal convicts?
5. Would a pair of hrp's be better?