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marbled achara/pim questions


MFK Member
Okay, I just bought a 4 inch marbled achara catfish. Takemates includes a shoal of clown loaches 5-8 inches each, a 2 ft fire eel and a 15 inch ornate bichir. All of my fish eat pellets, krill and earthworms. I have a few question:

1) Will this combo be safe longterm?

2) According to the LFS and some internet sites, this catfish maxes out at 2 feet, will it be more like a 2 ft redtail catfish or a 2 ft shovelnose in terms of tankmates it will be able to eat?

3) What is the growth rate of this fish?

4) What have you kept with your marbled achara/marbled pim longterm successfully?

5) Will it eat any of the tankmates I listed if it grows up with them when it gets larger? Keep in mind I don't use feeders.

This is what I have: http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/_species.php?species_id=245
The profile says that this fish is peaceful, but warns to house with appropriate sized fish.
Though the loaches may be safe, the bichir or eel may be eaten (thin bodies) when the catfish grows up.

It may grow even larger than 2 feet. However I don't know much about them, as I have never kept the achara catfish, just did some research on it before. It is supposed to eat just about anything it can eat. Growth rates not to sure about. Tankmates could include large fish that cannot be swallowed such as other larger cats or larger barbs.
These catfish are pretty calm as far as aggression towards other types of catfish. I have a marble, a few tiger shovel's, a few redtail's, a sun cat, and a spotted Raphael and the marble is one of the calmest, and easiest to take care of. They really are gorgeous catfish. One of my favorite.
Not suitable for your others at all, also they need a bigger tank than a similar length rtc as they have massive barbels and are very skittish, they are not bullies but will dash around and damage themselves and potentially other fish .
I had to re-home mine to "the deep" (uk public aquarium) when it was 29 inches.