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Marbled Pim w/ TSN/Marbled Pim Hybrid?


The Ninth Holostei
MFK Member
I have a 12" Marbled Pim catfish. I've recently become really interested in the hybrids, specifically the TSN/Marbled Pim hybrid that's recently been popping up.

Could I mix these two fish in a 500 gallon aquarium? I read that conspecifics are a no-no for Pims, but I didn't know if hybrids applied...

Any advice is appreciated.

I guess you would be alright seeing as tsns get big and marbled pim get big. Just got to double both their sizes.
I just got one from an LFS that was labeled as a marmoratus and has the general appearance of one yet more of a shovelnose. Matches these recent cats that are FS to a 'T'. I am not so sure that these are in fact hybrids since they are all labeled as wild but maybe just a previously undistributed Pimelodidae cat. I would certainly treat it as such.

But as for tank size it should work but just not sure about mixing them. Not enough experience on that.
Hmm, interesting, thanks jworth!

Anyone with input on mixing please advise! Planetcatfish and scotcat seem to offer differing opinions, one saying yea the other saying nay.
i have 2 that are in with a tsn smaller then they are. i have know problems. do you have any pics as there are some that look like the hybrid but are in fact marmoratus.
Fish in a Bowl is selling them. He is unsure of their ID but is thinking TSN/MARBPIM

Their website also has these pictures, though the fish seem a bit different:



Having a marmoratus myself, I can see clearly the head shape is completely unlike the rounded head of the marbled pim.

While we're here maybe we can try to get an exact ID as well.
it is tsn/marpim. i have 2 myself. really interesting fish.. one of mine dont seem to come out in the day atall butthe other is out all day and never stops eating
i know that is what they look like, but hybridization is not often occuring in the wild. and for there to be so many of this new fish floating around, it would almost have to be farmed that way and these are all listed as wild caught. I do agree that is what they look like, but i am not buying into the hybrid talk.
jworth;4211358; said:
i know that is what they look like, but hybridization is not often occuring in the wild. and for there to be so many of this new fish floating around, it would almost have to be farmed that way and these are all listed as wild caught. I do agree that is what they look like, but i am not buying into the hybrid talk.
so what is it you think they are
matt clark;4211374; said:
so what is it you think they are

I think he just means that they are either farmed hybrids or wild caught oddball non-hybrid pims.

Either way, I love the elongated head with the marble pim body. I think I might cave in and get one. My 12" Marpim is pretty mellow and the 500g will give them both plenty of refuge.