Marketing or Luck

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MFK Member
Sep 12, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
My Dad and a few people I know that have fish tanks, just add water, conditioner, and fish all in the same day. The fish always survive and I can even say thrive. Now my Dad has kept fish in the past and this is how he's always done it. He also does water changes when the tank smell or the water isn't clear, not weekly. No test kits, just goes on plain instincts. Makes me wonder if we fallen into the marketing scheme of "You need this and that or you fish will die" propaganda. I think fish keeping used to be simple as that, but somewhere along the lines things got more advanced (complicated). I don't know...just makes me wonder about how we obsess over telling people that they need this or they need to do that. Anyone else ever feel this way?
I know how you feel, especially as an LFS employee (and once manager). And it doesn't always work out that way...
A lot of things CAN work....Fish are very adaptable... but if you care about the fish you keep then you'll take the time to do it right. Granted a lot of the products sold are noting more than money makers for the manufacturers. Recoignizing them is what the process of gaining expierance is all about.

Light fish loads and stable unchanging populations all contribute to low maintaince success. Unfortunatly...this leaves out the majority of Monster fish keepers....

Like mom always said...."If all of the other kids jumped off of a cliff would you follow along?"
This the reason I never tell people that something absolutely won't work (except that guy who wanted SW fish for his FW tank lol).
It's good to know that there are people out who have the same disposition. I guess I'm tired of hearing people rag on other people, just because they're not doing it their way

I've been on this forum for awhile now and I'm starting to see more and more people flaming others who don't share the same views. I'm starting to get tired of it.

I think also that when they don't have an explanation, they all tend to stay silent.
im not a freak about testing the water every day or anything, but i guess theres only so far you can go before its like you must not care if your fish die
i can honestly say that half of the fish i have lost died because I tried to care too much for them. My friend has a 55 where he just refills the water when it gets low, never cleans the tank, never cleans the filter. Never lost a fish :confused:
I tend to discount anything I see posted WITHOUT an explination... Like THIS or THAT is junk... But the interaction of differant expierances and views is what makes this forum so much better than the rest.

I do agree that far too often we are too quick to discount other peoples opinions.
The other thing is that comments like "look like they're thriving" are nothing but someone's personal view.

I have had people tell me "Yeah...well...I never do water changes and my fish look GREAT!" but when I see them they look terrible to me. You can tell they're undersized and the color/fins don't look all that great compared to fish under better care.

Other thing is some species do not seem to show stress under bad conditions where other species would actually be dead. Show me a clown loach in a nasty poorly maintained tank and then show me one in a tank with the proper water conditions and try to tell me the former looks better. It's subjective in a way, but doubtful the first fish would be in very good shape.

Then there's life span to take into account. Someones fish can appear to "thrive" under horrible water conditions but live half their life span...
That's not a good thing.

i can honestly say that half of the fish i have lost died because I tried to care too much for them

You can stress a fish out as much messing with them constantly as not doing enough water changes.
That said, likely something you weren't aware of was at play.