Mdoka white lips possible disease

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


MFK Member
Oct 7, 2024
Have you tested your water?
If yes, what is your ammonia?
0 ppm
If yes, what is your nitrite?
0 ppm
If yes, what is your nitrate?
15 ppm
If I did not test my water...
  1. ...I recognize that I will likely be asked to do a test, and that water tests are critical for solving freshwater health problems.
Do you do water changes?
What percentage of water do you change?
How frequently do you change your water?
Every week
If I do not change my water...
  1. ...I recognize that I will likely be recommended to do a water change, and water changes are critical for preventing future freshwater health problems.
My mdoka white lips has been looking really pale/scratched lately. he has been kinda listless lately, which is unlike him. he also has a sunked belly, despite heavy feeding. i have not managed to find uch, so i was hoping that y'all might be able to help me determine if this is and issue/what kind. any help is appreciated!
Looks to me like the fish is quite beat up. One or all of the tankmates have decided they don’t want this one around anymore. Rearranging hiding spots can help, but most often the only true solution is to separate out the aggressor or the fish being attacked.
Is it able to feed?
Stress from pecking order or internal parasites can cause gradual wasting in a busy African cichlid tank. For now I would add salt at 1tbsp/5gal to help the slime coat regenerate and if your in the US buy some of Ron’s Medicated food incase it is intestinal parasites.
If it is stress related to hierarchy and pecking order the only way to remedy the situation is to do as @Deadeye suggested and remove the aggressors, or remove the mdoka to a tank where you can recondition it, and return it at a later date once it is in good shape again 🤷🏻‍♂️
Oh and if you decide to leave it in the current set up, keep your water changes up replacing the salt with each water change for 14 days, & be watchful for opportunistic epistylis infestation 👍🏼
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okay, i will take the steps of medicating, but i have two questions.
1. What type of salt should i use? do i use standard kosher salt, or do i do epsom salts?
2. I currently have a plethora of catfish/bottom feeders. the list is as follows: 1 synodontis multipunctus, 1 synodontis decorus, 1 striped and spotted raphael catfish, 1 senegal bichir, 1 bristlenose pleco, and 1 dojo loach (ik the loach is not the best idea, but i cant really rehome him rn and he was a rescue).
I just want to know if any of these fish would be particularly affected by salt, as i know some bottom feeders are.
thank you for whatever help is given
Justin I have used salt at this concentration and higher with 3 varieties of syno cats without issue. I have never kept birchirs, Raphael or loaches so I cannot answer regarding their sensitivity or non-sensitivity to salt. Anyone else have experience 🤷🏻‍♂

If you’re in the US, I buy this salt from Home Depot for $9/40#’s. It’s 99.8% pure sodium chloride. Much cheaper, and exactly the same thing, as “aquarium salt” which is a gimmick to get you to spend more when you’re stressing about your fish. IMG_3544.jpeg
Justin the other thing to consider here is that the mdoka is a female and getting a lot of attention for that reason. Mdoka are monomorphic, meaning the males and females look the same. The female color will be slightly less blue in Mdoka, but nonetheless, they’re difficult to sex by color alone, unlike many other haplochromides.
Perhaps you could vent it to see 🤷🏻‍♂️ If it is a female in a male show tank, she’ll never get a break…
Justin I have used salt at this concentration and higher with 3 varieties of syno cats without issue. I have never kept birchirs, Raphael or loaches so I cannot answer regarding their sensitivity or non-sensitivity to salt. Anyone else have experience 🤷🏻‍♂

If you’re in the US, I buy this salt from Home Depot for $9/40#’s. It’s 99.8% pure sodium chloride. Much cheaper, and exactly the same thing, as “aquarium salt” which is a gimmick to get you to spend more when you’re stressing about your fish. View attachment 1557527
thank you so much, i really apreciate it. I only asked about salt tolerance as i have heard horror stories of people salting their tanks and winding up with dead catfish.
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thank you so much, i really apreciate it. I only asked about salt tolerance as i have heard horror stories of people salting their tanks and winding up with dead catfish.
For sure mate. Like I said, synos I can vouch for, the others I can’t. Hopefully others with experience will chime in.
In the meantime if you have a fry net or a hospital tank you can move the mdoka too I would recommend separation for the time being 👍🏼