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Mix Breeding Guppies

peter 808

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
A friend will be giving me some red and blue fantail guppies. She keeps the two breeds in separate tanks. I was thinking about putting them in a community guppy tank. Is this discouraged? What will the babies look like?

Going to use them as feeders once the stock is up (hope she does not find out) so not a big concern, just more curious.
fancy guppies are better for breeders in my opinion they seem to be heather and taken better care of before you get them.
you can mix any kind of guppy and they will breed...if you have red and blues you will get babies of red, blue,red and blue, and whet ever else shows up in there genetics ^_^
i have reds, yellows, blues, greens, and snakeskins ...and they all interbreed and throw strange mixes of colors and patterns.
good luck
I would keep the two strains separate, that is if you are wanting to breed more fancy guppies (you need to be selective and all that!)! If it is only breeding as a live food source it shouldnt matter. If you keep them mixed you may find that the fancy trait gets lost and your guppies may not be quite so vivid and colorful in a few generations time. Also if you are not keeping the males and females separate you will get alot of inbreeding which results in weaker fish, bent spines and lose any kind of hardiness that guppies are famous for!

Good luck with them, they may not be monster fish but they certainly are good fun to breed! Ive managed to create some awesome colorful lookin frankenguppies and out of a good 300 fry only one had a bent spine, result!