Do you mean on the intake or return side? Durso was created to quiet reef sump plumbing, not for oxygen, and from what I've seen some people have to do a lot of tinkering to get durso plumbing quiet and working properly, especially when they DIY the durso. So, either way, I don't know what it would accomplish, except to complicate your plumbing and either add noise or reduce flow efficiency of your canister, at least as I understand durso.
On the return side, there's a difference between flow and turbulence. You can improve oxygen efficiency of outflow simply by angling spray bars to create turbulence instead of smooth flow at the surface. I do this by lowering my spray bars and pointing them slightly upward, not by elevating them above the water line and pointing them downward-- quieter that way. It's not so much flow rate as turbulence that lets filter outflow oxygenate a tank-- a point missed by some who think filter current doesn't work well to oxygenate a tank. Everyone has their pet theories or understanding of oxygenating tanks, bubbles vs. filter flow, etc-- but, in fact, to make filter flow efficient you want the effect of riffles over rocks in a mountain stream from your spray bars, not a smooth flowing river. Or you can add bubblers.
..but for years most of my tanks do just fine with filter turbulence alone, you just have to get the outflow right.
In any case, it's your whole system you want well oxygenated, then you want efficient flow dynamics in your canister (not letting a filter get overly dirty) and correct order of mechanical vs bio media (primarily mechanical first) so your bio media gets clean instead of dirty water. Beyond that it's not a question of trying to achieve special oxygen conditions inside your canister vs the rest of the tank-- at least this is true in aquariums, the theory or approach might be different for a pond or water treatment plant where the scales and economics are different.