My 1200 Gallon Stingray Build.

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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jan 3, 2010
Since the stingrays are the main atraction in this tank i just built i gues i can post a video in here. Its not the best video out there as i did it with my iphone. The rays are still covered with sand at the time, think i choce a little to small sand for them, so im going to mix it up with some bigger. The stock list is 4 motoro 2f2m, 2 false yepezi f\m, 3 sp peru 2m1f.. Other then that its 6 Geophagus Altifrons and 7 Heros sp. rotkeil. And 7 L-200. Future stock will be F1 Green Discus.

Heres the video tho:

Dunno if someone could make the youtube thing? Insted of just the link.
Hi Tor!
Very impressive build. Looks rock solid. Wood looks fantastic too. The geo and other fish look great too.

Your right about the sticky sand. Mix in some fine gravel to help unstick. Lol
Did you feed just before the video? As water looks a little cloudy?
How big is the sump for that monster tank?

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I do not run a sump like filtervice, but i do have a 150g "sump"/undertank for pups. I do have the heaters down there, and it is drifted by a 50mm hose from the tank(like a surface skimmer) and has a fluval fx5 as return to the main tank.. As main filtration i have a powerbead85 drifted by a 12000l/h pump. I think you guys have something similar named ultima(?)

I drip 150g a day with tempered water, have a new 300l 3+3kW waterheater in the room, so it works nice. Goes through carbonfilter before entering the tank.
I drip in one end of the tank, it goes down to the 150g in the oposit end, and from the 150g to the drain.

Its not cloudy anymore, i think it has something to do with the phone versus light versus black backgroud:)

I am really happy with the light setting on the tank since the colors in the fish shine spot on, hit the nail there:) 3x30w led,6500k and 2x49w t5 in the back.

I will build this tank in, so that it looks line a inwall tank.

Thank you for compliments btw:)

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Your setup is very nice Tor and the lighting sure brings out the colours in those geos. I would syphon out that sand and doffo replace it or go bare bottom.
Here you go Tor uploaded the vid for you.
looks great i had the same problem with sand

just get a thick hose put the end of it in a pillow case suck the sand up the sand stays in the pillow case the water goes down the drain

i took me about 1 hour to remove 100kg of sand

its hard to find the right sand no matter what advice you take some sticks others dont

it looks great i hope you find the sand you are looking for
We have this shop named "biltema" here in Norway, you can pretty much buy anything there, and they have 2 types of the same sand, different sizes. Its bin a while since i buyd sand, so i didnt really think of it, and offcourse i came home with the wrong one :\ The bigger type does not stick to the rays.. One day when i feel ready for a craftmanship, il siphon it out and replace it. Its not gonna be the first day or two as i have now started buiild a livingroom where the aquaroom was before :)

Thanks for all compliments guys, is it fair to say that im happy with the setup myselfe?:) ! I really love the driftwoods aswell, found them in a water not so far away, the fitted perfectley and did not take up any floorspace, i didnt really think of that when i picked them out.

Thankyou for uploading Motoro Magic :)

The pillow case idead was good tika, im gonna pick you up on that one :) I have 100kg aswell.