DanDanThePiranhaMan said:
Amazing tank you have there !
Tell me ! What is the equipment you use and i'e Filter , Heater, SAnd , plants, lighting (how many bulbs etc) ????
Tell me everything you can !
I'm truly fasinated with the whole look of your tank once my Aro hit's 24" he's getting sold and some of my other fish will be getting sold so that i can do something like what you have or i was going to do a British native tank !
Thanks for sharing your pic's !
Thanks Everybody for your comments!!!
I just use two cheap whisper 60 gallon filters, usually keeps the water clear. I have two 300 watt heaters, and keep the water around 80 deg. As for the sand. i got that at wal mart haha, it was $3.99 for a 20 lb bag, so i got 5 bags and put that in there. Most of the plants are swords. and i have 3 24" fixtures with 18" bulbs, nothing hard core or anything, but adds a nice amount of light.
Any more questions let me know!
Edit: Also i got those rocks at a landscaping store, they were like $1.99/lb