I thought i may aswell put some pictures up of my Aquariums and Cichlids for people to look at. I currently have three Aquariums set up i will list the size of the Aquariums and Cichlids i have in them with some pictures.
Before i start sorry about the quality of the pictures it hard to get some decent ones of them.
First Aquarium which is about 90 litres.
Which has around 20 young Kribensis Cichlids in.
Second Aquarium which is about 240 litres.
Which has 3 wild Chocolate Cichlids, One breeding pair and a smaller male.
1 Green Terror/Blue Acara Cichlid?
1 Jack Dempsey Cichlid.
1 Firemouth Cichlid.
Third Aquarium which is around 550 litres.
2 Albino Oscar Cichlids which ive had since young.
1 Tiger Oscar Cichlid.
1 Young Tiger Oscar Cichlid.
1 Green Terror Cichlid.
Picture of him in my other tank before i put him in the bigger tank.
1 Jack Dempsey Cichlid.
Havent managed to get a better picture yet.
1 Red Devil Cichlid again cant get a good picture at the moment.
Ive added a few more bits to the 240 Litre tank, i will let the pictures do the talking.
If from the pictures above anyone can tell me what sex some of them are that would be great, i think i know what most are but i will see what you lot think.
Most of the above are recently acquired and all seem to be enjoying their new homes.
Thanks Darren.
I thought i may aswell put some pictures up of my Aquariums and Cichlids for people to look at. I currently have three Aquariums set up i will list the size of the Aquariums and Cichlids i have in them with some pictures.
Before i start sorry about the quality of the pictures it hard to get some decent ones of them.
First Aquarium which is about 90 litres.
Which has around 20 young Kribensis Cichlids in.
Second Aquarium which is about 240 litres.
Which has 3 wild Chocolate Cichlids, One breeding pair and a smaller male.
1 Green Terror/Blue Acara Cichlid?
1 Jack Dempsey Cichlid.
1 Firemouth Cichlid.
Third Aquarium which is around 550 litres.
2 Albino Oscar Cichlids which ive had since young.
1 Tiger Oscar Cichlid.
1 Young Tiger Oscar Cichlid.
1 Green Terror Cichlid.
Picture of him in my other tank before i put him in the bigger tank.
1 Jack Dempsey Cichlid.
Havent managed to get a better picture yet.
1 Red Devil Cichlid again cant get a good picture at the moment.
Ive added a few more bits to the 240 Litre tank, i will let the pictures do the talking.
If from the pictures above anyone can tell me what sex some of them are that would be great, i think i know what most are but i will see what you lot think.
Most of the above are recently acquired and all seem to be enjoying their new homes.
Thanks Darren.