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My Breidohri thread...

Steve Paul

MFK Member
I received my male Vieja Breidohri from Tangled Up in Cichlids, yesterday (8/4/18) and have him in a 40 gallon breeder grow out tank, by himself. He is currently, about 3.5"- 4" in length and is starting to show some pastel pink coloration around his gill plates. Once he hits 6", I will move him into his forever home...a 125 gallon with two FX5's that is cycled and idling, waiting for the little guy to chunk up a bit. I am considering 6-7 red line torpedo barbs added into the 125 gallon when he goes into that tank.

He's in 'hiding' mode right now and I can't get any pics yet...but I will post some in the next few days.

On a side note, my daughter received her male Amatitlania Sajica yesterday, also, and at 1.25" long is a cute little bugger. Within an hour of being added to his aquarium, he was dancing at the glass, eating cichlid flakes like a piglet, and chasing the resident Sterbai Cory out of their various caves. That's one confident Sajica.
Sorry about the quality of the pic. He is still hiding most of the time, and his time out swimming in the front of the tank is fleeting. He looks much better than this image shows.

I will keep trying over the next few days.
I'd put him in the 125 right now. A fish tank can never be too big.
Well...I requested a 'Male' Breidohri when I placed my order...but, I believe that I have received a 'Female' Breidohri. I have had it for a month now, and at 5" long has a very prominent dark splotch on the dorsal that is getting larger by the week. it is also more torpedo shaped. It looks like every female I have seen on the internet and this site.

So, I ordered another Male Breidohri and this one does not have the dark splotch on the dorsal and is shaped more like a male.

I am not looking to breed...this is going to be just 1 vieja in a 125 gallon, and I don't want a female. The hard part is that she is a really good fish! Friendly, eating well, always comes out to meet me.

So...over to the 'Sales' forum I go to see if anyone wants a Female Breidohri :)
I am not terribly interested in getting into the Breeding aspect of the hobby. Not sure what I would do with all of the fry. In addition, I get attached to the fish and I would hate to see her beat up on by the male. I have also had dividers in my tanks in the past, and always felt that corning a 14" Cichlid in half of a 6' tank is less than ideal for the fish. That's just my take on it...
Those look awesome Mo. If you are worried about the divider restricting the fish movement, I have had good luck w/ most centrals (not w/ Trimacs) using tubes where the female can get to and the male can't - just need to have a significant size difference. Good luck either way.