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My electric eel has stopped eating


Feeder Fish
Hello all, I have had my electric eel for about 18 months got him when he was about 12 inch long, straight away all he would eat was live worms and live fish. He has been happy for all this time. Now he has t eaten for about 3 weeks. He is acting strange swimming weirdly and not hiding as much. He has a 6 ft tank lots of hiding places, water temp is fine, ph and all parameters are fine, filter is good so I am stuck. He belly looks big as it he has eaten something but he hasn’t. I’ve put worms in and he ignores them, I’ve put more live fish in and they are untouched. I’m very worried. Can anyone offer any advice?
Hello all, I have had my electric eel for about 18 months got him when he was about 12 inch long, straight away all he would eat was live worms and live fish. He has been happy for all this time. Now he has t eaten for about 3 weeks. He is acting strange swimming weirdly and not hiding as much. He has a 6 ft tank lots of hiding places, water temp is fine, ph and all parameters are fine, filter is good so I am stuck. He belly looks big as it he has eaten something but he hasn’t. I’ve put worms in and he ignores them, I’ve put more live fish in and they are untouched. I’m very worried. Can anyone offer any advice?
Welcome aboard
Do you quarantine the live fish feeders? Possibly feeders were infected and passed harmful pathogens to the electric eel.
Good thought, no I don’t quarantine them but I’ve only fed them to him about 16 months ago and recently to try and entice him to feed. So he has stopped Eating long before I put this second batch of fish in. Assuming he may have caught something though, have you got a recommendation of what medicine I could put in? Thank you for your reply though. It’s is appreciated 👍