I am bored with rock scape in my all cichlid tanks and decided to convert a 75 into a plant scape. So I purchased a bunch of plants at the spring auctions and started my first planted tank. The problem I have is that I keep medium to large cichlid and they are not known to be plant friendly. So I concentrate on non-substrate and low light plants that include bolbitis, anubias bartari, nana, and pettite, java regular, narrow leaf and trident fern, and a crypto wendtii. Except for a potted crypto , I super glued all plants onto the rock scape. My goal is to turn the plant scape into a mobile garden on rock so I can move them around to achieve the visual impact and vacuum underneath during WC. I provide 8 hour photo period with overhead and surround LED by tying them inside on the front and side rims. I don't know the light intensity but estimate to be in the 6000 lumen range. I retain a thin layer of dolomite gravel substrate with pH about 7.5. I don't provide fertilizer and don't know if it is necessary as the fish load is heavy. Here are pics of my 3 week old set up.
Since set up half the leaves in my crypto have melted and 10% anubias leaves have broken off from the rhrzome. On the positive side, all java ferns stay green and I saw new growth in the bolbitis and a couple new leaves in the anubias bartari. I am experienced in fish keeping, but a novice in plants so feel free to comment. I will provide progress reports on how it goes.
Since set up half the leaves in my crypto have melted and 10% anubias leaves have broken off from the rhrzome. On the positive side, all java ferns stay green and I saw new growth in the bolbitis and a couple new leaves in the anubias bartari. I am experienced in fish keeping, but a novice in plants so feel free to comment. I will provide progress reports on how it goes.