There are 'four' Texas. Though only one of them is
actually a Texas.
'Texas' refers to Herichthys cyanoguttatum. Here's one:
The pearlings on a Texas is small, round-ish and has a more regular distribution of pearlings, and less variation in pearling shapes. They also tend to just have this color or a lighter color. Imo they're ugly. No point getting one. Imo.
'Green Texas' refers to Herichthys carpintis. Here's one:
The pearlings on a Green Texas is large(r), more varied in shapes and is much more irregular in terms of distribution. They also tend to have much better colors than a Texas. Usually blue or green, and the nice thing is they vary between blue and green readily, based on whatever the fish seems to prefer.
Super Green Texas are Green Texas that has a much richer blue or green (or both) than a non-Super Green Texas. The above for example, is a Super Green Texas. Well I guess what 'Super' is varies between person to person, but imo such a blue on the above definitely qualifies for it to be called 'Super'. XD Most commonly, Super Green Texans are collected from Escondido or Vontehillo, and hence those localities are attached to the name to signify what they are (so yes, people have been suggesting to you to get a Super Green Texas and I agree).
'Blue Texas' is a name that pops up from time to time. The designation refers to both Texas and Green Texas. Best not to use it, ever. Just letting you know, in case you come upon it. If you ever see a fish labeled as 'Blue Texas' being sold, make sure to find out what it is referring to exactly - Texas or Green Texas (or in some uncommon cases, other Herichthys species or hybrids).
'Red Texas' is a hybrid of Texas/Green Texas/A Hybrid of the Two and some other fish, or is a descendant thereof; which has a red coloration (comparable to a Green Texas), has pearlings and has the look of a Texas/Green Texas. Here's one:
As you can see, it has a Texas/Green Texas look to it (ish), has a very red body and pearlings. This one in particular is labeled as a Super Red Texas, which I do think it is. A Super Red Texas is more or less just a Red Texas with a coloration comparable to a Super Green Texas.