In my stock, I have 15 melanochromis auratus(not sure if they're chipokae), 15 demasoni, 2 Malawi Haps, 1 Venustus and some other peacocks and haps(around 8-10 peacocks), a rainbow shark and a featherfin synodontis. I'd say the most I've seen is chasing eachother, but never any serious injuries, mostly just chasing eachother. Also they've just started breeding. The auratus are breeding, and no sign of any overly aggression. I keep both males and females. The mbuna have their favourite rockscapes at the bottom of the tank, the haps and peacocks have their favourite open water. I have both foods for carnivores and herbivores, I made sure to balance the diet. At first I was very nervous when I was buying auratus cuz I had heard of their reputation. Also I'm just really happy, this is my first time my cichlids are breeding while my new world cichlids are still growing well. Nothing much, just sharing personal experience