a total toss up on sex IMO. In some pics it appears kind of yellow like a female and in other pics it looks clearly male. Guess you will have to wait a bit longer.
Ctrl_Alt_Dlt -- Yes,he's the only fish in the tank. I have another Umbee(for sure female) that I've tried to introduce a few times and it hasn't worked.
I guess time will tell on the sex. The other one I have has black pelvic and dorsal fins and the body shape is different. Also less color and spangles. I'm starting to know how Volcomestone and CubanB felt about their young Umbees. Mike
Finally Mike! Some updated pics of your male Umbee. Although the pics indicate male to me, pictures can be deceiving. I've seen this Umbee in person and its for sure a male. He's looking great Mike...gained more blue spangling since the last time I saw him. Only hope mine looks to be good as yours.
Now you just got to find a way to breed him w/ that female of yours Thinking of trying again?