~Mystery bloated oscar~

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 13, 2005
HI everyone, I have this 4 year old 12" oscar in this 75-gallon tank. About a few months ago he developed this lump on his side that no one knew what it was exactly. I tried all sorts of treatments with epsom salt, water changes, pea feedings ect... He lived with the lump for several months but now his mid-region has swollen over the course of several days and his eyes look "popeyeish" he also has the tendency to lay around more, he also breaths heavily more than usual and the most baffling of all is it looks like his spawning tube is distended. He always is CRAZY for food, he is willing to eat anything and everything at all times. Tank info is below-

*Nitrate-about 40
*Temperature-82 F
~Tank size- 75-gallons
~Occupants- 1 Oscar, 1 Striped river catfish (hes about 5-6 inches)
~Water changes- 50-75% once a week
~Filtration- 1 large sponge filter rated for up to 100gallons and 1 Emperor 400 HOB filter

Hikari Cichlids pellets, Omega one pellets, Algae wafers, Krill, worms- earthworms, bloodworms- shrimp pellets, supersoft pellets, brine shrimp, no feeder fish at all.

My Oscar has had this lump this (about the size of a ping-pong ball) on his left side for months now and has done excellent, he recently was moved from a 55-gal to his permanent home in the 75-gallon. He behaves just like an oscar does, defending his territory, trying to move plants around, charging at people through the glass, ect... But he breaths hard constantly and flucuates from laying tilted at the bottom to swimming slowly around. His color is pretty normal. What I'm really wondering about is if there is anything I should be doing special for him. I'm especially baffled because it looks like his spawning tube is down and it has been for about 2 days now. Is this a female who is egg bound?

I hope the pictures will help, they aren't the best quality and I apologize...

See what looks like a spawning tube?

you can really see his boated belly here-

here's a mugshot of the big fella-
Sorry, I can't read that color of font.
Here it is again in just plain black-
"HI everyone, I have this 4 year old 12" oscar in this 75-gallon tank. About a few months ago he developed this lump on his side that no one knew what it was exactly. I tried all sorts of treatments with epsom salt, water changes, pea feedings ect... He lived with the lump for several months but now his mid-region has swollen over the course of several days and his eyes look "popeyeish" he also has the tendency to lay around more, he also breaths heavily more than usual and the most baffling of all is it looks like his spawning tube is distended. He always is CRAZY for food, he is willing to eat anything and everything at all times. Tank info is below-

*Nitrate-about 40
*Temperature-82 F
~Tank size- 75-gallons
~Occupants- 1 Oscar, 1 Striped river catfish (hes about 5-6 inches)
~Water changes- 50-75% once a week
~Filtration- 1 large sponge filter rated for up to 100gallons and 1 Emperor 400 HOB filter

Hikari Cichlids pellets, Omega one pellets, Algae wafers, Krill, worms- earthworms, bloodworms- shrimp pellets, supersoft pellets, brine shrimp, no feeder fish at all.

My Oscar has had this lump this (about the size of a ping-pong ball) on his left side for months now and has done excellent, he recently was moved from a 55-gal to his permanent home in the 75-gallon. He behaves just like an oscar does, defending his territory, trying to move plants around, charging at people through the glass, ect... But he breaths hard constantly and flucuates from laying tilted at the bottom to swimming slowly around. His color is pretty normal. What I'm really wondering about is if there is anything I should be doing special for him. I'm especially baffled because it looks like his spawning tube is down and it has been for about 2 days now. Is this a female who is egg bound?"