Mystery found on Google earth on hill at Pigeon Creek. What is this?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 19, 2005
Oscar Tummy
Any Everett, Wa locals know what this bare concrete slab is doing lit up and isolated on a hill with no apparent access?

Figured out how to link it:,-122.22873555,116.89,-0.945,37.443,0

Anybody know what it is? It's at the end of E. View Ridge Dr. I Walked there but there was a chained gate. I could see white, yellow and blue equipment through the trees but couldn't see it well enough to tell what it was. On the way home my radio went out for awhile. I hope I didn't tick off the wrong people by going there...

The reason I ask is that Pigeon Creek Road is one of my favorite cardio hills and I use it all the time. Want to know if there's any funny business in the area to be aware of. I located it because I saw a floodlight one day while I was walking.
Andy, what intersection? It came up kind of zoomed out. I see a baseball diamond and houses with some business buildings nearby but nothing jump out at me.