New BBXB 12 inch

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


MFK Member
Jun 7, 2008
Had a bad summer with fish keeping. My last,24k gold jumped. Very sad.
Picked up this Bbxb recently.Very happy with it. Was feeding within hours and eats Hikari floating sticks as staple. Likes prawn and lance fish. A pleasure to keep compared to the last one which would only eat mealworms. Pics are taken with single 4ft T8 poweglow.
Sometimes i use a second tube which is a cheap juwel daylight lamp. With these two lights on the aro goes really gold like the last two pics shown. Ill update this special fish regularly. Some pics of new arrival
Tank is 250 us g


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very nice fish doesn't the big dats bother him?

Not yet.. they ignore the aro. Just like they did the last one which was similar size but i only owned the last aro for 4 months

quite lucky with the two aris i kept when it comes to sharing tank with tiger fish.
The two big tigers keep to themselves
Its early days. Mathew when arro getah bigger there could be aggression.

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Pics taken few days ago.

3 weeks in its new home. Eating like a proper pig.:D:D

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wow he is changed alot the colour is far more evident now, great looking aro;)