New Channa tank


Apr 17, 2013
Returning to the hobby with a passion for Channa sp. Have made my own 2x2x2 cube tank. Passed the water hold test with the idea of keeping a single sub tropical channa species. Im going to have a heavily planted tanked, fueled by grow lights. Read that they don't appreciate the usual 30% weekly WC, which suits the tank location as no near by water source. Water changes will be done (read up on matching natural seasonal changes drought to ice caps melting) by adding mature water from a water vat (100l) bucket when suited, stored and temp matched. The sp. I pick will be source from a UK breeder (yaay don't live in the US) are either pulchra, asiatca, ornatipinnis, stewartti, gachua or aurantimaculata. This would not be their forever home, or I would be getting a bleheri but I would like it to be their home for 1.5 - 2 years at least before I think about building another tank. My questions are which species would suit my situation, I'm looking for colour, predator attitude (would feed a mix of insects and hikari), being met with aggression (gill flares) and something I can grow out and upgrade but manage. Also what type of filtration (tank not yet cycled) i have cannister filters and sponge filters but considering low flow rate internal filters. I know there's plenty of Channa enthusiasts on here any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Black Skirt Tetra
MFK Member
Oct 22, 2020
Returning to the hobby with a passion for Channa sp. Have made my own 2x2x2 cube tank. Passed the water hold test with the idea of keeping a single sub tropical channa species. Im going to have a heavily planted tanked, fueled by grow lights. Read that they don't appreciate the usual 30% weekly WC, which suits the tank location as no near by water source. Water changes will be done (read up on matching natural seasonal changes drought to ice caps melting) by adding mature water from a water vat (100l) bucket when suited, stored and temp matched. The sp. I pick will be source from a UK breeder (yaay don't live in the US) are either pulchra, asiatca, ornatipinnis, stewartti, gachua or aurantimaculata. This would not be their forever home, or I would be getting a bleheri but I would like it to be their home for 1.5 - 2 years at least before I think about building another tank. My questions are which species would suit my situation, I'm looking for colour, predator attitude (would feed a mix of insects and hikari), being met with aggression (gill flares) and something I can grow out and upgrade but manage. Also what type of filtration (tank not yet cycled) i have cannister filters and sponge filters but considering low flow rate internal filters. I know there's plenty of Channa enthusiasts on here any advice would be greatly appreciated.
for such a tank i would suggest andrao blehri or brunnea group ..... or maybe even aristonei pardalis if u can keep water temp under 25degree celsius


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 24, 2008
Wirral, UK
When I used to keep and breed channa my favourites being Orientalis I never used to change the water. Loads of vegetation and floating plants to the point you can hardly see them but they loved it and thrived having loads of babies which are the cutest things to see being minitaures of the adults