Well after seeing Midnight's post on bottle traps, I decided to make my own. It is similar to one of Midnight's variants, although significantly less neat in it's construction lol.
I substituted bin bag ties with superglue, and tied the top with twine which can be untied to remove the contents. The gravel and rocks are to sink it and camouflage it a little better. It sinks pretty fast, there are holes around the top and bottom.
Anyways, on with the pics,
I plan to use bread and ham for bait, anyone have any other suggestions? I will be dropping this puppy in the river for a couple of days sometime this weekend or early next week, I will post pics of anything I catch. Thanks.
(Thanks for the idea Midnight)
I substituted bin bag ties with superglue, and tied the top with twine which can be untied to remove the contents. The gravel and rocks are to sink it and camouflage it a little better. It sinks pretty fast, there are holes around the top and bottom.
Anyways, on with the pics,
I plan to use bread and ham for bait, anyone have any other suggestions? I will be dropping this puppy in the river for a couple of days sometime this weekend or early next week, I will post pics of anything I catch. Thanks.
(Thanks for the idea Midnight)