New Silver Arowana not very active


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 2, 2005
Leeds , England
I have just been and picked up my new silver arowana and it started off ok cruising the suface of the water but now it's just sitting at the bottom not doing anything should i be worried ?

I only have 1 300watt heater in the tank and i have the heater on full power and my water temp is between 75 and 77 degrees F is that too cold for the aro do i need to buy another heater and is that why it is sitting at the bottom of the tank all the time?



Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 22, 2005
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
What size tank is it in? My 125 has 2 200w heaters in it. I keep it about 80 degrees, my black aro is doing fine in may be too cold for the little guy...What size is the fish & what size tank do you have it in? That may also be the case...


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 23, 2005
pullman washington
how large is the arowana cuz if it is still small you can be keeping it in a smaller tank such as a 55 or 75 and that would be acceptable... your arowana should perk up with warmer water and is it in a new tank... if so have you checked your water chemistry it might be your nitrites because they can keep you lil guy from passing oxygen through his gills with me working at a pet store and doing water tests every day whenever I have a prob. or someone comes to me with one I always check the chemistry ph ammonia and nitrite and 80%of the time that is where the problems are...


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 2, 2005
Leeds , England
Hey thanks for the feedback fellas i have a new 180gal tank i have had my tank full of water for 5 weeks with no fish in it just getting the cycle sorted. I have been doing regular tests on my water in the mean time.
The fish has perked up now he's a lot better than before i think i just got worried with him been in a new tank he's only 7" he's a little star too, I also got a 12" fire eel today too who managed to escape within the first 20 mins of having him in the tank slippery little F**ker got one of his spines in my hand didn't cut me or owt i just felt the sharpness of it. All i'm waiting to do now is get my lighting sorted then i'm cooking with fire!!!

Thanks Once again people.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 23, 2005
pullman washington
to get a good biological filtration started you should have fish in a new tank at least 6 weeks you may want to look into using bio spira or eco start just to make sure it is alright...


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 17, 2005
DanDanThePiranhaMan said:
Hey thanks for the feedback fellas i have a new 180gal tank i have had my tank full of water for 5 weeks with no fish in it just getting the cycle sorted. I have been doing regular tests on my water in the mean time.
The fish has perked up now he's a lot better than before i think i just got worried with him been in a new tank he's only 7" he's a little star too, I also got a 12" fire eel today too who managed to escape within the first 20 mins of having him in the tank slippery little F**ker got one of his spines in my hand didn't cut me or owt i just felt the sharpness of it. All i'm waiting to do now is get my lighting sorted then i'm cooking with fire!!!

Thanks Once again people.
Hi, DanDan.

1. Did you do fishless cycling, then? That is, did you add ammonia five weeks ago to start the process? As you probably know, arowanas are extremely and fatally sensitive to ammonia and nitrites. They should be at zero. If your tank is not cycled, the arowana itself will produce the ammonia.

2. Regarding heat, 300 watts is not large enough for such a large tank of the difference between tank and room temperatures is considerable. E.g., a 20-degree Fahrenheit difference would require 425 watts. Thus, if you keep the temperature of your room at 65-degree Farenheit (15.5 C.), and you want to raise the temperature of your tank to 80F (26.6C), you would need 125 more watts in addition to your 300. If you want to raise it considerably more because you are treating a disease, or have very new and delicate fish, then you would need even more wattage. Two heaters (another one of 300-350 watts will help in most coircumstances), and if they have good thermostats, they will not cook your fish when the difference between tank and room temperature decreases during a warm weather spell.

3. Over a year ago, I had an arow that behaved similarly. I am sorry to say, that particular fish succumbed to its problem. I believe it was internal parasites. There are some medications out there that are very effective for internal parasites. Now, with my new arow, which is now only a tad longer than the one you got, I change the water twice a week to minimize parasites, but also to reduce nitrates. It is my understanding that arowanas are almost as sensitive to nitrates as discus are.

4. Why don't you move your post to Ancient Fish or Diseases. Other people in this board are very knowledgeable and can really help you. Time may be important in this case. Other boards may also be very helpful. Tropical Fish Hobbyist has its own website ( and they respond very quickly. There is also a guy named Joong who has an arowana discussion board; he is very knowledgeable. Finally, has some very knowledgeable folk.

Good luck.



Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 30, 2005
DanDanThePiranhaMan said:
I have just been and picked up my new silver arowana and it started off ok cruising the suface of the water but now it's just sitting at the bottom not doing anything should i be worried ?

I only have 1 300watt heater in the tank and i have the heater on full power and my water temp is between 75 and 77 degrees F is that too cold for the aro do i need to buy another heater and is that why it is sitting at the bottom of the tank all the time?

how is ur silver now?