I have about 10 little ones. I don't even know the species. I'll put some african cichlids in there when things balance out. I think it will be fun to see those colorful fish in there for my kids.
Sorry about the photos being a little dark. I start work at 6 am. The water is still very clear. I see that a little algae is starting to form on the bottom of the rocks. Nothing too serious though.
Here's my vacuum tube. A coupld times a day I'm running the pump with the other finer filter to give the cleaning a little boost. Seems to be working great. The only problem with this system is that I have to get in the water when I want to hook up the hose to vacuum.
absolutely superb!!!! really inspirational!
Fantastic job.... cant wait for the pics with fish in and you guys swimming with them... just remember no peeing in the pool
I just did a cleaning of my barrel filter. I put another layer of finer rocks to clean the water a little bettter and catch the finer stuff. I thought these rocks were pretty clean. Guess not!