Nicaraguan Cichlid Aggression

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Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2015
I currently have 3 Nicaraguan cichlids (Hypsophrys nicaraguensis) in my 250 gallon tank. The tank is moderately planted with several pieces of driftwood for hidey holes. I can not seem to curb the aggression of my nics. They bully everything else in the tank. What do you guys do to ease aggression problems? Also, could one of you guys help me sex this dude? Thinking male.


The individual in your photo does appear to be male.
The spots in the unpaired fins (dorsal, anal. and caudal) are usually male traits.
Mine were never overly aggressive, except when spawning, or preparing to spawn.
In nature they spawn in caves, maybe you could put in a flower pot, piece of PVC or some other cave like thing in a corner, away from the normal haunts of your other fish, to hold aggression to a minimum.

above, a male, plenty of spots in the fins, below the same male in the background, with 2 females, note the females lack of markings in the fins.
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The individual in your photo does appear to be male.
The spots in the unpaired fins (dorsal, anal. and caudal) are usually male traits.
Mine were never overly aggressive, except when spawning, or preparing to spawn.
In nature they spawn in caves, maybe you could put in a flower pot, piece of PVC or some other cave like thing in a corner, away from the normal haunts of your other fish, to hold aggression to a minimum.

above, a male, plenty of spots in the fins, below the same male in the background, with 2 females, note the females lack of markings in the fins.
Male. I suggest making territory breaks in your tank with line-of-site obstruction. Basically some thick tall plants, big piece of driftwood or a rock that will prevent the fish seeing another fish on the other side of the tank. I currently have multiple Nics and have bred them in the past. Their aggression is a little more than average imo but when faced with an equally sized meaner cichlid they will not do too well. My Salvini and Cubans I keep with them must be smaller than my Nics or they get shredded.
Most cichlids in nature use 4 ft x 4ft x 4ft (if available) as a territory and will chase another cichlid up to the 4ft mark of its territory before breaking off. I believe length being the most critical.
This is one of the reasons I have always thought 6 - 8 ft tanks were a better footprint, and I usually put rock rubble, pots, or logs at the tank ends, and again at a sight break, at the @ 4 ft mark. A 4.5 ft tank doesn't flow enough leeway for the escapee.
6 inches doesn't leave much to escape into.
Thanks for advice. I’m am in two minds to sell my jds and go for some Nicaraguan cichlids. They might be more suited to different tank mates