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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
funky funky funky
like a crusty monkey
germs all grew
now stinky stew
funky funky funky
like a cruddy donkey
this odor blows
it hurts my nose
funky funky funky
funky funky funky
pure swamp gas
this stink is ass
funky funky funky
time to clean
this smell is mean
gotta spray
cause there's no way
green perfume
and algae bloom
If I stay here
my eyes will tear
funky funky funky
my face is bent
from all this scent
funky funky funky
This room would make
a maggot gag,
got to get a giant rag
I ain't no dope
now need some soap
funky funky funky!!

No posts? Let's fix that.
jjohnwm jjohnwm
esoxlucius esoxlucius
Now hopefully we will see some entertainment lol.
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Reactions: SilverArowanaBoi
I gotta be honest: I've never had a tank that I considered "stinky". Maybe buckets of wet sand or gravel that have been sitting in the corner of the basement for awhile and gone anaerobic...and had a few good whiffs of disgusting aromas once when cleaning out a failed stocktank outside only to find a couple of well-ripened dead birds at the bottom...but tanks have a wonderful, fresh-from-the-garden "earthy" kind of light odour which I don't find at all objectionable. That includes cleaning filters; I don't expect the job to be unpleasant and it never is. Hosing down a big sponge filter or Mattenfilter certainly doesn't look appealing...but the smell is just like that of fresh-turned earth encountered when gardening. Completely inoffensive, in fact fairly pleasant.

Mind you, it might be my stink-o-meter that is at fault. I am constantly reading about the evil miasma that accompanies the use of Massivore...and I don't get it. It doesn't smell like something I would want to eat...but it does smell like something my fish would like to eat, and the smell is gone as soon as the food is, which is to say immediately. What's with all the belly-aching?
Ya prime is funky asf with that sulphur smell especially in temporary tanks with frequent water changes. . There's a food I get that's great for the fish but hell on the nose when it hits the water and tiny pieces go uneaten for a day or two. But fresh in the container it smells great, like shrimp. The fish all go nuts for the stuff.

Aquatic Foods Inc. Worm Like Intense Color Enhancing Sinking Micro Sticks
If you want a funky smell I'll give you one!

When I rinse and squeeze out my gunky sponges I do it in a bucket. When finished, I let the water/gunk in the bucket settle for a while and then slowly pour off the surface water, leaving sludge at the bottom.

I then use a funnel to pour the sludge into tubs, and place a cap on top. I store these capped tubs in the shed. I can build up quite a few tubs in the space of a few months.

The idea is that at springtime, all this thick sludge gets thoroughly mixed in with compost from my wormery, and then I surface dress the garden with it all. This stuff is like rocket fuel for plants!

But I kid you not, when those tubs have been in the shed for a few months and I eventually empty them out, the smell is like something other worldly, as I'm sure you can imagine, lol.

Fantastic though for hobbyists who are also gardeners.